Author David Taylor Black

Hurricane Dorian

by , on
September 1, 2019

Hurricane Dorian is hitting the Abacos and Hope Town right now. So worried about everyone there. It’s all very low-lying land.

Hope Town Monument

by , on
August 8, 2019

This monument in Hope Town commemorates the spot (believed spot) where the original loyalists landed.

Hope Town was settled by colonial residents loyal to the British crown after the revolutionary war.

View from Lighthouse in Hope Town

by , on
August 6, 2019

These two pictures are from inside the Elbow Reef Lighthouse as you ascend. There first photo is from the first level, the second from the second (or higher maybe? I don’t remember).

Elbow Reef Lighthouse

by , on
August 5, 2019

I was in Hope Town in the Bahamas last week (where Guilt takes place). Those who have read Guilt (If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? ?) will recognize the lighthouse from the narrative. Here’s a new photo I took last week.

Elbow Reef Lighthouse (the official name) is the last lighthouse of its kind in the world.