Author David Taylor Black

This post is a response to a question posted on Goodreads.

In Hope Town. At least in the Bahamas. I was in the Bahamas on vacation, staying in Treasure Cay on Great Abaco (on the same island as Marsh Harbour, which is mentioned quite a bit in the book). We had taken the ferry to Hope Town and, while there, I saw the cholera cemetery that Dan sees and which inspires him to write his next book.

The thought for the story that resulted in Guilt, wasn’t instant though (it was for Dan in the book), but the sign and the cemetery—which really is almost nothing—stayed with me. Before long, the story of Dan and Cat and Susan and Ryan, etc. coalesced in my mind and I started to realize the book they were living.

The only thing I wish that I’d known when I was there was that I’d be writing a book about the settlement. I would have been more deliberate with my research.